Enjoy the Ride. A short story about “Jimbo.”

As we begin 2019 and look at our health, fitness and wellness goals – I thought it would be interesting to share a short story.  All of us want to be healthy, the competitive athlete in us wants to be fit and ready for competition, and we want to experience wellness and peace of mind and happiness.  Without getting too deep, I suggest it is important to do something and head in the right direction and avoid over-analyzing (analysis paralysis).  Instead… be like a dog going for a car ride.

Dogs in cars never know where they are going. Let’s take the example of my dog “Jimbo.”  Jimbo is so excited, every single time, to go for a car ride with me and the family.  He is absolutely fired up to be in the car with me and the family because we care for him and take care of him.  Jimbo knows he will have an adventure of some sort because frankly, he has no idea where he is heading. Huge doggy grins come from simple acts like sticking his head out the window and feeling the wind rush against his face.  He knows he is going some place fun with people whose company he enjoys.  Where ever we arrive Jimbo jumps around, explores and doesn’t complain, he just soaks in the experience. I suggest to you as you continue your 2019 athletic pursuits… keep it simple. Don’t over analyze, enjoy the ride and be like Jimbo.  Love life. Experience it.  Go have fun and smile like Jimbo sticking his head out of the window!    Coach Sean